In July 2009, the first reentry court program was established in the Eastern District of North Carolina. Helping Others Pursue Excellence (HOPE) assists participants struggling with substance addiction and promotes long-term sustainable positive change in a 12 to 14 month program based in Raleigh, North Carolina.
In April 2016, the Striving to Achieve Recovery (STAR) reentry program was formed in Greenville, North Carolina. The mission of the STAR program is to promote community safety, reduce recidivism, and assist with participant rehabilitation by implementing a combination of treatment and other services to promote long-term, sustainable, positive change. This is a 12 to 18 month program.
An implementation plan is underway for development of the Veterans Treatment Court which will be based in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Each of these courts integrate alcohol and drug treatment services with enhanced supervision to provide a meaningful opportunity for participant change while also promoting community safety through a reduction in recidivism. EDNC Press Release.
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