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Attention Vendors

The Procurement Team services both the District Courts and Probation Offices in the Eastern District of North Carolina. The procurement department promotes the procurement of goods and services in a timely manner, while establishing an amiable relationship with vendors. Proposed prices for all procurements will be evaluated for their reasonableness based on pricing experience and past purchases. As a buyer we expect the fairest price and the highest level quality/craftsmanship in everything we procure.

We prefer to purchase by Purchase Order or Credit Card (we are not set up to perform any type of electronic funds transfer).

If you are interested in doing business with our organization, please take the time to fill out the following forms, and submit them to Procurement:

  • vendor information form (xls)
  • W-9 form (pdf)

If you have any questions, please contact:

Tony Grooms
Contracting Officer

U.S. Courts are a tax exempt organization: USDC/USPO TIN 56-6191508.


Current Business Opportunities

Currently there are no solicitations.